Te Taura here
“The binding twine” – this aspect symbolises the entire network, all its assets, and the connection and flow of information coming into the database. It also represents the never-ending lifecycle of Asset Management.
Taumata tuatahi
This section of the Matau (Hook) represents the gathering of information from the field and all civil works performed on the network.
It is where our Contractors’ deliveries and outcomes are recorded for future modelling decisions by Council.
The access to this level of the database is protected by training, standard operating procedures, and users interacting with database tools such as Pocket RAMM, where user interfaces protect how and what can be placed in the database, by permission and validation rules set at higher levels.
Taumata tuarua
This is the backbone of the Matau (Hook) and signifies the necessary consultation and collaboration between all parties.
When meeting required database outcome deliverables and exchange of information, standard operating procedures set down by Council must be used when engaging with the RAMM database.
Understanding delivery methods on these outcomes is paramount for the success of the database. The Contractor’s needs and wants will be accommodated wherever possible, however alignment with Client requirements must take precedence. The RAMM Database modules requiring setup and implementation to deliver these must always be understood, governed, and maintained by the Council’s needs and requirements in alignment with their long-term Asset Management Plan (AMP), not the desires of short-term outcomes of the Contractor’s.
Councils must maintain control of this area of setup and Implementation, while being aware of Contractors requirements and attempting to meet these needs wherever possible.

Taumata tuatoru
This portion of the Matau (Hook) establishes the connective exchange of information within Waka Kotahi and Councils internal departments and structures, whether this is knowledge share, connective datasets to Power BI or to complement other databases or datasets.
The Council's internal RAMM team needs to ensure that all information required is gathered and connective, so it is available to use. This is done through automation, dashboarding, manual analysis, and consistent auditing of inward flow of data into the RAMM database.
Access to this level of RAMM should be limited to individuals who understand not only RAMM but the required AMP outcomes and deliverables.
Taumata Whakamutunga
This is the most important level – “Can’t catch a fish without the Hook”.
This area must be guarded, and careful consideration and due diligence be given to all changes, as these areas within RAMM will have a significant impact to year-on-year analysis and potential funding streams and funding justification.
RAMM’s Foundational modules are implemented and set up within this area, and only accessible to those who are qualified and with authority should ever attempt to manipulate.
Roading Logistics strategy of mahi tahi (working together) with mahi kotahi, mahi tika (do it once, do it right) strategy following the kōeko (pyramid) methodology expressed through our shared matau (hook), will bring together a journey of hanga patahitanga kaha me te tuku i ngā hua e tūmanakohia ana. (Building strong relationships and delivering expected outcomes).
Seeking guidance from our Matau (Hook) we will follow a journey through tikanga tipu nui me te paetae nui (a process of growth and great achievement).
Me hanga tahi tāua i tētahi taonga tuku iho, me haere tātau ki te hī ika
(let’s build a legacy together, let’s go fishing!)